An eight week in studio Practice Intensive. Elevating our understanding, experience and love for yoga and beyond.


Our 2021 Intensive is sold out, keep an ear out for our next one!

Welcome to Eleveight

This Intensive is running in person at our Dunsborough Studio. The Online Portal is purely here as a landing page for all participants to sign up, and as a place to find any resources/videos related to the Intensive over the 8 weeks.

We begin October 31st 2021!

Every Sunday for 8 weeks.

9:30am - 12:30pm

You have the option to pay in full ($350) or with a payment plan of $70 each week for 5 weeks. Simply click 1 payment or 5 payments.

If you're already a Member with an account on this website you don't need to create another account. You will see the msg 'already a member? Sign in' at the bottom of the sign up page!

Once you have signed up and payed you will be taken to our Eleveight page which can only be accessed by participants! You can access the page anytime by logging into your account.

I will be adding resources and videos each week to assist you in your practice and your homework over the 8 weeks so make sure you remember your log in details when you sign up!

Are you ready?

We can't wait to see you all on October 31st!

Nat and Christine x

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